Dry needling

Dry needling involves inserting a tiny mono-filament acupuncture needle in a muscle(s) in order to release shortened bands of muscles and decrease trigger point activity. This can help resolve pain and muscle tension, and will promote healing. This is not traditional Chinese acupuncture, but is instead a medical treatment that relies on a medical diagnosis to be effective. Dry needling is a valuable and effective treatment for musculoskeletal pain. Dry needling is a superficial treatment and most patients are unaware the needle was even placed under the skin. Like any treatment, there are possible complications. While complications are rare in occurrence, they are real and must be considered prior to giving consent for treatment. Let us know if you have questions or if you would like to experience dry needling at your next visit.
Dry Needling Only -
$40.00 for 1 area
$50.00 for 2 areas
Adjustment with Dry Needling Add-on -
$25.00 for 1 area
$35.00 for 2 areas