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about dr. Susan knight-Nanni

Dr. Susan Knight-Nanni, a graduate of New York Chiropractic College, has been serving families passionately with their Chiropractic needs since 1999.  She is devoted to finding answers and trying different techniques to resolve patient's muscular, skeletal and neurological symptoms. 


Dr. Susan believes in patient education and realistic treatment protocols so that patients are fully engaged and committed to getting better. Healing is more than pain reduction, it is learning wellness strategies to live healthier. An evaluation of work tasks, exercise choices, sleep habits, and other contributing factors help Dr. Susan offer lifestyle change protocols. She strives to keep you active in the activities you enjoy!  


Dr. Susan is from Rochester, NY originally and in 2010, she and her family moved here to the Nashville area. She practices diversified treatments (in both the spine and extremities) where manual specific hands on adjusting techniques or drop table techniques are used to restore motion at restricted joint spaces. Dr. Susan Knight-Nanni also treats with gentle tool techniques using Activator and Impulse technology.  No one receives the same adjustment and the type of adjusting varies from visit to visit based on examination findings.

Dr Susan Knight-Nanni | Chiropractic Care for Spring Hill, Thompsons Station & Brentwood TN

Personally, Dr. Susan became a believer in the results of Chiropractic, around the end of high school, when she suffered a soccer injury. She fell hard into her neck and right shoulder, causing a huge strain. She sought the advice of her medical doctor (where no x-rays were taken and only a minimal exam was performed) and it was determined that there was NOTHING wrong.  Dr. Susan suffered in pain for a year with no direction from the Medical doctor for relief.  Dr. Susan deeply started to consider her future, how she felt patients should be treated, and what type of doctor she needed to relieve her pain. A Chiropractor diagnosed Dr. Susan with a pinched nerve due to a rib and a vertebrae misalignment. He adjusted these areas a couple times and Dr. Susan felt immediate relief.  Feeling amazed with her personal experience, she chose to make it her profession. 


Knight Family Chiropractic, PC

4720 Traders Way Ste 1000 | Thompsons Station | Spring Hill | TN | 37179

Scheduling Call or Text: 615-241-0233 © 2017

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